Looking for a new lip color that lasts? Sarah Victor Beauty Studio offers permanent lip blush services that will have you looking and feeling your best. Follow our do's and don'ts for the best healing and enjoy your new, long-lasting lip color.

Prior to your cosmetic enhancement think about the look that you wish to achieve. Cosmetic enhancements normally require multiple application sessions.
To achieve the best results you will be required to return for at least one additional enhancement 5-8 weeks after the initial application/session which is included in the cost. If you require additional enhancements after this, the cost starts at $400 per session.
If you experience cold sores, you're more than likely going to develop them during the healing process. Wherever you've had them in the past is where they'll rear their ugly heads. An antiviral prescription is highly recommended!
The better shape your lip skin is in the better outcome you'll have. Keep them moisturized as much as you can beginning 2 weeks prior to your session. We recommend Sarah Victor Beauty's Lip Buff to start exfoliating and moisturize your lips which can be purchased online or in Studio.

DO NOT consume NSAID medication (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Excedrin, Advil, etc.) at least 48-hours prior to your appointment. Tylenol may be taken if needed.
DO NOT ingest any caffeine the day of your appointment. No morning coffee or tea, I know it's the worst BUT we have a plethora of coffee and tea for afterwards.
DO NOT discontinue any prescribed medication before consulting your doctor.
DO NOT consume alcohol at least 24-hours prior to your appointment. Reason being is blood flows quicker when we ingest alcohol. Keeping the excretion of blood and lymphatic drainage to a minimum will ensure your pigment retention.
DO NOT use Retin-A or Vitamin C products close to the enhancement area at least 1 week prior to and after your procedure.

What to expect
Upon your arrival we will head in to the Tattoo Studio to begin discussing what shade you're looking for and what your goals are with your lips.
I'll define your lip shape with a wax based lip pencil and work with you to perfect the shape before you begin numbing. Numbing will take 20-30 minutes and it is topical, not injectable.
While you're numbing, you'll be very comfortable. Your neck will be supported, as well as your lower back. Should you want a blanket we have them as well! Breathe deeply while you're laying and take the time to relax before we start.
Finally we get to the good part. I will perform my one pass Lip Blush technique which will take between 45 minutes to an hour. Numerous modalities of numbing are used during the appointment – believe me, your comfort is my priority. While Lip Blush is spicy in some areas, I keep you comfy.
When we're done, be prepared for the color intensity to be significantly brighter and darker immediately after the procedure. This will subside 40% and become softer as the lips heal. This process can take up to 14 days.